lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020

8TH 1 and 2: CAROLINA


el correo debe decir: NOMBRE, GRADO Y GRUPO, TALLER


English         8th Grade

          SEMANA 9


En la parte II del plan lector, formulas 20 preguntas variadas 
usando las formas estudiadas y los cuadros de gramática de ejemplo 
que estan publicados en este blog. 
Las preguntas son libres, usando todas las formas de pregunta.
 Se ENVÍA el  día 19 de Junio.



Lee el cuento clasico, con detenimiento identificando las  formas del pasado, verbos regulares e irregulares.

1. Posterior a la lectura: Elabora un resumen en pasado simple con tus propias palabras, e inventa un NUEVO FINAL.
2. Expresa tu OPINION, en párrafos largos sobre la historia.


MANY years ago, a woodcutter and his wife, with their two children, Hansel and Gretel, lived upon the outskirts of a dense wood. They were very poor, so that when a famine fell upon the land, and bread became dear, they could no longer afford to buy sufficient food for the whole family.

One night, as the poor man lay tossing on his hard bed, he cried aloud in his grief 
and anguish:

"Alas! what will become of us ? How can I feed my hungry little ones when we have no food for ourselves ?"

"Listen to me, good-man," answered his wife, who was stepmother to the children. "As it is no longer possible for us to keep our children, we will take them into the wood with us tomorrow, light a fire for them, and give each a piece of bread and leave them. They will not easily find their way back, and so we shall be rid of the burden of them."

But the father said: "No, no ! I could not find it in my heart to leave my darlings to perish. The wild beasts would tear them limb from limb."

"Then," answered the wife, " we must all four die of hunger." She gave her husband no peace until he promised to do as she wished, and at last, very unwillingly, he consented.

Now, the twochildren had been too hungry to go to sleep that night, and so it happened that they overheard all that their parents were saying. Gretel wept bitterly, but brave little Hansel did his best to comfort her. "Don't be afraid," he said; "I will take care of you.

"As soon as his father and stepmother were asleep, he slipped on his coat, and, opening the door softly, went out into the garden. The moon was shining brightly, and by its light he could see the little white pebbles that lay scattered in front of the house, shining like little pieces of silver. He stooped and filled his pockets as full as he could, and then went back to Gretel, and once more bidding her be comforted, for God would be sure to ,watch over them, he jumped into bed, and they both fell fast asleep.

Early in the morning, before the sun had risen, the stepmother came and wakened the children. "Rise, little lie-a-beds, she said, "and come with us into the wood to gather fuel." She gave them each a piece of bread for their dinner, and told them to be sure not to eat it too soon, for they would get nothing more.

Gretel carried the bread in her pinafore, because Hansel had his pockets full, and then they all set out upon their way to the wood.  As they trudged along, the father noticed that his little son kept turning back to look at the house. "Take care, my boy," he said, "or you will slip. What are you looking at so earnestly?"

"I am watching my kitten, father: she is sitting on the roof to bid me good-by."

"Silly little lad,that is not your cat," said the stepmother; "it is only the morning sun shining on the chimney."
But Hansel had not been watching his cat at all; he had stayed behind ,to drop the pebbles upon the path. When they reached the thickest part of the forest, the father bade the children gather wood, that he might kindle a fire for them, so that they might rest beside it and warm themselves whilst he and his wife were cutting the fuel. So they gathered a pile of brushwood and twigs, and as soon as it was well alight, the parents left them, promising to return as soon as they had finished their work.

Hansel and Gretei sat down by the fire, and when midday came they ate their bread
and sat listening to the strokes of their father's axe, thinking all the time that he was near to them. But what they heard was only a dry branch which the man had bound to a tree, so that the wind swung it hither and thither, and the noise it made deceived the children. At last the poor, tired, little eyelids closed, and, side by side, brother and sister fell asleep.

When they awoke, the night was very dark, and Gretel was frightened, 
and began to cry. Hansel put his arms around her and whispered: "Wait, dearie, till the moon rises; we shall soon find our way home then."

As soon as the bright moon rose, Hansel took his little sister by the hand, and all night long they followed the track of the little white pebbles, until at daybreak they came to their father's house.

They knocked at the door, and no sooner did the stepmother open it than she began to scold them for having stayed out so long in the wood; but the father greeted them kindly, for he had grieved sorely for his little ones.

In a short time they were as badly off as ever, and one night they again heard
 their mother trying to persuade her husband to take them out into the wood and lose them. "There is nothing left in the house but half a loaf of bread," she said; "for our own sakes it is better to get rid of the children; but this time we will lead them farther away, so that they will not be able to find their way home."
But the man would not agree. "Better to divide our last morsel with them," he said, "and then die together."

His wife would not listen to what he said, but scolded him for his want of thought for her; and at last the poor man gave way a second time, just as he had done at first.

But the children had overheard all that was said, and as soon as the mother 
and father were asleep, Hansel stole down to the door, meaning to go and collect pebbles as he had done before; but the door was locked and bolted, and he could not get out.

"Never mind, Gretel," he said consolingly, "the good God will surely help us."

Early in the morning the woman wakened the children, and, giving them a small piece of bread, bade them follow her and their father into the wood. As they went, Hansel crumbled his morsel of bread in his pocket and strewed the crumbs upon the path.

"Come, Hansel," said the father, "don't loiter so, sonny. What can you see to stare at so often?"

"My little dove, father. It is sitting on the housetop, bidding me good-by."

"Nonsense," said the woman, "it is not your dove; it is only the rising sun shining upon the chimney."

Hansel did not answer, but he went on strewing his crumbs carefully until the last morsel of bread was gone.

Deeper and deeper into the wood they went, where the children had never been before. There a great fire was kindled, and the mother said: "Stay here, children, whilst your father and I go to cut wood. If you are tired you may sleep a while, and we will fetch you when it is time to go home."

When dinner-time came, Gretel divided her piece of bread with Hansel, because he had scattered all his share upon the road; and then they went to sleep. The evening shadows fell, but still no one came to fetch the poor children, and it was not until midnight that they awakened.

Hansel put his arms round his sister and told her not to fear, for when the moon rose they would easily be able to see the crumbs, and so find their way home again. 
So when the moon rose they set out upon their way; but alas! there were no crumbs to be seen, for the little birds that lived in the green wood were as hungry as the children, and had eaten them all up.

"We will find the way somehow," cried cheerful little Hansel; but though they traveled all night long, and the next day too, they could not find it. Poor little mites, how tired and hungry they were, for they had nothing to eat but the berries that grew by the roadside!

When at length the weary little feet could go no farther, the children lay down beneath a tree and slept.

On the third day they were still as far away as ever, and it seemed to them that the longer they walked the deeper they got into the wood, and they began to be afraid that they would die of cold and hunger.

But presently, when the midday sun was shining brightly, they noticed a little snow-white bird
singing so sweetly that they could not help but stay to listen. When the birdie's song was ended, he spread his wings and flew away.

The children followed him until they reached a little house, on the roof of which he perched.
Then the children saw with surprise that the strange little house was built entirely of bread, roofed with cakes, and with windows of barley sugar.

"See, Gretel," cried Hansel joyfully, "there is food for us in plenty. I will take a piece of the roof, and you shall have one of the windows."

He stretched out his hand to help himself, and Gretel had already begun to nibble one of the window-panes, when suddenly they heard a voice call from within :--

"Nibbly, nibbly, mouse! Who's nibbling at my house?"
The children answered quickly:-- "Tis my Lady Wind that blows,
As round about the house she goes."

And then they went on eating as though nothing had happened for the cake of which the roof was made just suited Hansel's taste, whilst the barley-sugar window-panes were better than any sweetmeat Gretel had ever tasted before.

All at once the door of the cottage flew wide open, and out came an old, old woman, leaning upon a crutch. The children were so frightened that they dropped their food and clung to each other.

The old woman nodded her head to them, and said: "Who brought you here, 
my pets ? Come inside, come inside; no one will hurt you."

She took their hands and led them into the house, and set before them all kinds of delicious foods, milk, sugared pancakes, apples, and nuts. When they had finished their meal she showed them two cosy little white beds, and as Hansel and Gretel lay snugly tucked up in them, they thought to themselves that surely they had now found the most delightful place in the whole wide world.

But the old woman had only pretended to be friendly and kind, for she was really a wicked old witch, who was always lying in wait to catch little children, indeed, she had built the little house of bread and cakes especially to entice them in. Whenever anyone came into her power, she cooked and ate him, and thought what a fine feast she had had.

Witches have red eyes and cannot see far, but they have keen scent, like animals, and can tell at once when a human being is near to them..

As soon as Hansel and Gretel came into her neighborhood she laughed to herself and said mockingly: "Ha, ha! they are mine already; they will not easily escape me."

Early in the morning, before the children were awake, she stood beside them and admired their rosy cheeks and soft round limbs.

"What nice tit-bits for me," murmured she. Then, seizing Hansel by the hand, she led him to a little stable, and, in spite of his cries and screams, shut him up and left him. Then she shook Gretel until she was awake, and bade her get up at once and carry food and drink to her brother, and it must be of the best too, for she wished to fatten him.

"When he is nice and plump, I shall eat him," said the cruel old witch. Gretel wept bitterly, but it was quite in vain, for she was obliged to do the witch's bidding; and every day she cooked the choicest food for her brother, while she herself lived upon nothing but oyster-shells.

Day by day the old woman visited the stable and called to Hansel to put his finger through the window bars, that she might see if he were getting fat; but the little fellow held out a bone instead, and as her eyes were dim with age, she mistook the bone for the boy's finger, and thought how thin and lean he was.
When a whole month had passed without Hansel becoming the least bit fatter, the old witch lost patience and declared she'would wait no longer. "Hurry, Gretel," she said to the little girl, "fill the pot with water, for to- morrow, be he lean or fat, Hansel shall be cooked for my dinner."

The tears chased each other down Gretel's cheeks as she carried in the water, and she sobbed aloud in her grief. "Dear God," she cried, "we have no one to help us but Thou. Alas! if only the wild beasts in the wood had devoured us, at least we should have died together."

"Cease your chattering," cried the old witch angrily. "It will not help you, so you may as well be still." The next morning poor Gretel was forced to light the fire and hang the great pot of water over it, and then the witch said: "First we will bake. I have kneaded the dough, and heated the oven; you shall creep inside it to see if it is hot enough to bake the bread."

But Gretel guessed that the old witch meant to shut the door upon her 'and roast her, so she pretended that she did not know how to get in.

"Silly goose," said the witch. "The door is wide enough, to be sure. Why, even I could get
inside it." As she spoke, she popped her head into the oven. In a moment Gretel sprang towards her, pushed her inside, shut the iron door, and shot the bolt. Oh! how she squealed and shrieked, but Gretel ran off as fast as she could, and so there was an end of the cruel old witch.

Quick as thought, Gretel ran to her brother. "We are saved, Hansel," she cried, opening the door of the stable, "the wicked old witch is dead."

Hansel flew from his prison as a bird from its cage, and the two happy little children kissed each other and jumped for joy. No longer afraid of the old witch, they entered the house, hand in hand, and then they saw that in every corner of the room were boxes of pearls and diamonds, and all kinds of precious gems.

"Ah!" said Hansel merrily, "these are better than pebbles, Gretel," and he stuffed his pockets with the jewels, whilst Gretel filled her pinafore. "Now," said Hansel, "we will leave the witch's wood behind us as fast as we can."

So off they ran, and never stopped until they came to a lake, upon which swam a large white duck.

"How can we cross," said Hansel, "for there is no bridge anywhere ?"

"And no ship either," Gretel answered; "but we will ask the pretty white duck to carry us over." So they cried aloud :-

"Little duck, little duck, With wings so white, Carry us over
The waters bright."

The duck came at once, and, taking Hansel upon her back, carried him over to the other side, and then did the same for Gretel. They went merrily on their way, and very soon they found themselves in a part of the wood they knew quite well.

When they saw the roof of their father's house in the distance they began to run, and, breathless with haste, half laughing and half crying, they rushed into the cottage and flung themselves into their father's arms.

Oh! how pleased he was to see them once again, for he had not known a happy hour since he had left them alone in the wood. Gretel shook out her pinafore, and Hansel emptied his pockets, and the floor of the little room was quite covered with glittering precious stones.

So now their troubles were at an end, for the cruel stepmother was dead, and Hansel and Gretel and their father lived together happily ever after.

My story is ended, and see, there runs a little mouse, and the first who catches him shall have a fur cap made from his skin.


1. AFTER READING  THE TEXT, write a summary of the text  IN YOUR OWN WORDS  with a 

INNOVATIVE ENDING  for the story.

2. Express your OPINIONS  about the classic tale.


Introducción de la Unidad de trabajo desde el texto guía: WAY TO GO.
Lectura complementaria para la producción escrita.

1. Observa y analiza el video sobre la OBESIDAD y sus consecuencias.

Lee, analiza Y redacta tus respuestas a las 10 preguntas en tu cuaderno.

3. Complementa el cuadro y la lista de prioridades para reducir la Obesidad.


(1)     What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘obesity’?
(2)     What do you know about obesity?
(3)     How much of a problem is obesity in your country?
(4)     Which people in your country are obese?
(5)     Why is obesity bad for your health?
(6)     Why is obesity increasing?
(7)     What should governments do to combat obesity?
(8)     Do you think obese people should pay
 higher medical charges?
(9)     Why don’t parents do enough to stop their 
children from becoming obese?
(10)   Is obesity immoral when so many people in 
the world are starving?

There are now almost one billion obese adults in the developing world. This figure was around 250 million in 1980. The number of very overweight people has almost quadrupled in the last 35 years. A report from the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) said one in three people is overweight. The institute wants all world governments to do more to change what people eat. The biggest reasons that people are fatter are that they have more money and they are spending it on fast food. Fewer people are eating traditional, healthier food. Steve Wiggins from the ODI said: "Changes in lifestyle, the increasing availability of processed foods, and advertising have all led to dietary changes.”
It's not all bad news. Two countries (Denmark and South Korea) have done very well in the past few decades to deal with the obesity problem. Denmark introduced laws against trans-fatty acids. Restaurants and food producers must be very careful about the kind of fats they use to cook their food. South Korea started a public education programme 20 years ago. It warned people about the problems of obesity. Mr Wiggins said: "A few decades ago the government of Korea said we must encourage our traditional foods, which are low in fats and oils, high in vegetables, high in sea food and so on. There was a lot of public education, a lot of training, and a sense that Korean food is good for you."

3. OBESITY: How can we change eating habits? Complete this table with your ideas.

Good points about this
Bad points about this
Ban fast food

Education everywhere

Free gyms

Tax high-fat food

Cash for going on a diet

Exercise hour at work


Rank these statements. 
Put the best ideas to REDUCE obesity at the top. 
  • ban chocolate
  • daily exercise hours
  • high tax on fast food
  free gym membership
  • walking machines in malls                           • education
  • cash bonus for dieting                       • cheaper healthcare

En la SEMANA 6 tendremos sesión por 

ZOOM para que socialices en 

"ORAL PRESENTATION" tus respuestas, 

des opiniones,  acuerdo y desacuerdo. 


Con base en los temas estudiados en los DOS TALLERES anteriores, procedemos a la realización del PROYECTO COMUNICATIVO: es un VIDEO CORTO ( 1 minuto)  que se realizare las siguientes 2 semanas:

SEMANA 3: SOLO Elaboras el GUIÓN, 
es decir, redactas todo lo que vas  a decir  en el VIDEO. 
Siguiendo las indicaciones de SEMANA 3.

NO ENVÍAS  EL GUIÓN, vas a tener la SEMANA 3  para redactar, 
aprenderte el guión y preparar la grabación del video SOLAMENTE. 

                       SEMANA 4: Grabación y ENVÍO MAYO 15-16.
Graba con el celular, con 
vestuario y escenografia con 
elementos caseros, de forma creativa. 

El guión debe tener:
1. Resumen del tema usando PAST FORMS verbos regulares e irregulares
2. Opiniones a favor o en contra de los Vehiculos Electricos.
3. Expresar ACUERDO Y DESACUERDO con el uso de DRONES.
( Debes usar el vocabulario propuesto en las semanas anteriores  )

Usa el siguiente video para motivar la escritura de tu guión


The car company Volvo has started making all-electric vehicles.All new vehicle  made from 2019,  have an electric motor. Volvo wants to stop making cars that use only petrol-driven or diesel-driven engines. The environmental initiative wants to stop contamination and preven air pollution.

 The carmaker said it plans to launch five fully electric cars between 2019 and 2021 and a range of hybrid models. "People increasingly demand electrified cars, and we want to respond to our customers' current, future needs and contribute to protect the environment and stop contaminating the air with car fumes, excessive noises and waste of fuels. (Train, taxi, helicopter, car, bus, airplanes)

Volvo hopes to sell a million electrified cars by 2025. In addition, it hopes to have changed its factories to be more environmentally friendly. It hopes to have what it calls "climate-neutral" manufacturing and innovative environmental protocols.


Expresar acuerdo y desacuerdo sobre diversos temas

1. Leer todos los textos, escoger 5 ideas 
para expresar acuerdo y desacuerdo,
 usen las expresiones sugeridas.

I  agree, I disagree, I think so too, I totally disagree, 
I can´t agree with that, That´s absolutely right.


Pre-reading: Answer these questions.

Is music important for people?
Do you consider music an important
Why is music a universal language?
Why do doctors consider music as an 
important theraphy?
Does music make people HAPPY?

The coronavirus lockdown has had some profound effects on our music consumption. The abandonment of regular habits has proven the NEED FOR PEOPLE TO OCCUPY THEIR MINDS with productive activities. Many factors contribute to an excellent listening EXPERIENCE, for example, sharing music WITH OUR PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS, we all have different preferences but there is always variety and great taste in all genres.

Write  5 PARAGRAPHS expressing agreement and disagreement about the texts:
I  agree, I disagree, I think so too, I totally disagree, I can´t agree with that, That´s absolutely right. Use regular and irregular verb forms.

Many of us have an opinion on what was the best year for music. Some people say it was 1824. This is when the composer Ludwig van Beethoven first performed his Symphony No. 9. Other people say the best year was 1969 because of hit songs by The Beatles, David Bowie and Elvis Presley. The UK radio station Radio X recently conducted a survey and found the best year for music was 1991. This is because of the success of bands like the Red Hot Chili Peppers, R.E.M., Stone Roses and Nirvana. The reason for 1991 being the Radio X survey's best year for music could be the average age of the listeners of the station. Many of the listeners were teenagers in 1991 and have great memories of that year. A psychologist believes people tend to stick to the songs they heard when they were teenagers. Dr Catherine Loveday told the BBC why we like songs we first heard in our teens throughout our life. She said: "It is during these [developmental] years that we make many crucial life-changing decisions. We start significant long-term relationships and establish the cultural and political beliefs which form our identity." She added that: "Music has an intrinsic capacity to regulate emotions [so] these songs naturally become embedded in our important memories, both positive and negative." She said: "People in their 80s and 90s show a better memory for things that they first experienced between the ages of 10 and 30."


TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline, mark if they are true (T) or false (F).
  1. The article says we all have on opinion on the best year for music.     T / F
  2. Beethoven finished composing Symphony No. 9 in 1842.     T / F
  3. The UK's Radio Z conducted a survey on the best year for music.     T / F
  4. A radio station said the average age of listeners affected the best year.   T / F
  5. A psychologist said music we hear as teenagers stick with us.     T / F
  6. The psychologist says we make life-changing decisions in our teens.     T / F
  7. The psychologist said music can regulate our emotions.     T / F
  8. Ninety-year-olds can remember things they experienced as teens.     T / F

  1. Complete the chart with your opinion about the music genres 
    and their importance

    Popularity, importance.         






    Start or set up an organization, system, or set of



The coffee company Nespresso has announced ambitious new plans to help make its operations more sustainable. The company is a brand name of the Nestlé group of companies. It makes and sells espresso coffee machines and the single-use containers of coffee needed for the device. Its new initiative on sustainability is called 'The Positive Cup'. This aims to source one of its ranges of coffee through totally sustainable methods, while helping some of the world's poorest coffee farmers. It will invest just over $16 million in Ethiopia, Kenya and South Sudan. A company spokesperson said it, "aims to protect the future of the highest quality coffees and secure the livelihoods of the farmers that grow them".
A main component of the campaign is to recycle all of the aluminium capsules used in the machines. The company will collect the capsules "wherever the company does business" and "increase recycling rates". The company also said it would become "100 per cent carbon neutral" by 2020 by planting trees to compensate for its carbon footprint. CEO Jean-Marc Duvoisin said: "Our sustainability approach has always been designed to do more than simply minimise impacts." Hollywood actor George Clooney said: "The investment…in South Sudan's coffee sector, even while the conflict is ongoing, is providing much-needed income for hundreds of farmers and their families living in coffee communities."

 INITIATIVES: WRITE an initiative for sustainability. Complete this table with your ideas.

Initiative name
Initiative actions
Results of the actions.



Shopping bags



1. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if  a-h  below are true (T) or false (F).
A coffee company has announced modest plans for sustainability.
T / F
Nespresso's machines are only for multiple-use coffee containers.
T / F
All of Nespresso's ranges of coffee are part of the sustainability plans.
T / F
Nespresso will invest around $5 million in each of 3 African countries.
T / F
Nespresso's coffee containers are made from aluminium.
T / F
The company says it will recycle 100% of the coffee containers.
T / F
Nespresso hopes to be 100% carbon neutral within the next 10 years.
T / F
There is no investment for countries in which there are conflicts.
T / F

2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article.

make up for
means of support

10. ongoing                                                                          j. plan

in progress

3. Express your opinions about these topics using the expressions below: 

I consider, I think, I believe, I would say that, I agree, I disagree.

" NESPRESSO capsules are eco-friendly": ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

" The poor coffee farmers in Africa get benefits from this inititive" ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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